Wonder How-To for 100+ free printable
Halloween masks. The site compiles
printables from all over. Print cool steampunk masks that are vintage tech fun.
Print Star Wars masks, Doctor Who masks and artsy creature masks. Wear your Star
Wars mask when you see the new movie! Print, cut and assemble awesome 3D
Halloween masks of animals. There are cool printable masks to color yourself.
Traditional Trick or Treaters will love the assortment of free printable monster masks.
Print Frankenstein, witch, zombie, skeleton, mummy, vampire, bat and more.
There are Fox cartoon Halloween masks from King of the Hill and the Simpsons.
Wars masks come from Filth Wizardry. Political Halloween masks come from Forbes
which published masks of those they deem the scariest people of the year.
Forbes features politicians, especially those in scandal, notorious
celebrities, world leaders, religious leaders and high profile criminals, and
prominent society figures for that year. Included are O.J. Simpson, Sarah
Palin, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, Martha Stewart, Ben
Bernanke, Hilary Clinton, Borat Sagdiyev, for example. You can access archived
free printable masks from 2002 to 2009. This list includes NewsGroper's free
printable political masks that are similar to MAD magazine illustrations. Print
masks of Barack Obama, Vladmir Putin, Ron Paul, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Fred
Thompson and Brittany Spears.