last Friday in October is Frankenstein Friday, so here are free printable Frankenstein monster crafts to celebrate! Why is there a
Frankenstein Friday? Good question--nobody really knows the nuts and bolts of
it. Maybe its just another way to extend the Halloween holiday?
Or maybe its one more chance to dress up in silly costumes and not be shamed.
Or maybe it helps vent a temper of Frankenstein proportions by scaring the
liver out of little kids? At any rate, here are printable crafts for frankly
freaky Frankenstein Friday fun!
by making your free printable
Frankenstein monster mask. Choose one of the assorted Frankenstein masks: print, color
green (or purple if you're feeling different) and get your inner monster on!
Feeling female-frankie? Why not be Bride of Frankenstein? Print a mask of that
scary chick at the same place. Or maybe you're not up for that much fright. For
a safer option, print a picture of Frankenberry from the cereal box and make
that into a mask. Next bolt over to DLTK forfree printable Frankenstein monster crafts. There are coloring pages, 3D craft projects, games, puzzles, books and greeting cards for
Halloween. Why not confuse and amuse your friends by sending them a
Frankenstein Friday greeting card? You might start a howling fun holiday
musn't forget Frankenweenie and his faithful pup Sparky on Frankenstein Friday.
Here are free printable Frankenweenie coloring pages. Print and make a bunch of Frankeweenie crafts from Disney. And now for a good-old-blowout of free printable Frankenstein monster coloring
pages. Coloring Book Fun as
some weird and quirky ones. Print Activities has got 25 Frankenstein monster
coloring pages to print. There are cartoon ones and a few with Boris Karloff in
his iconic Frankenstein monster role. Last but not least, is everyone's
favorite Frankenstein monster, Herman Munster. Here are printable Munsters coloring pages from an old coloring book based on the TV
show. Oh, and Anglophiles, don't miss the new movie "Victor
Frankenstein" it's a feast of favorite British actors!